Recently shortlisted by the Media Innovation Awards, the Life Unpaused campaign is one that we cannot stop talking about at Imprint Marketing Group. The custom web design is genius and engaging. The series of Life Unpaused videos looks into the lives of six courageous children who all suffer from unique diagnoses and sheds light on some patients from last year’s campaign “Better Tomorrows”.
Exploring the fact that their lives are often paused due to their condition, this fundraising campaign asks viewers to help unpause their lives by donating. Donating also unpauses the video and unlocks the ending. Each donation goal was tied to the specific child’s story – 707 donors for Charlize, who’s family lives 707 kilometres from the hospital.
Created by Cossette, this campaign will simultaneously break your heart and give you hope as you get to know Charlize, Finlay, Gabriel, Kael, Liam, and Taylum on the SickKids’ interactive website.