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SCOPO is an ad-free, online periodical that highlights the work of nonprofits, small businesses and creatives who are using their unique skills and talents to help their communities. We wouldn’t be SCOPO without the multitude of voices, stories and perspectives that make up our vibrant community. No matter who you are or where you live, we want to hear yours too. If you were inspired by something you read here, or if you know of someone in your own backyard who deserves to have their story told, then we’d love to hear from you!

Achieve Success by Being Unconventional

Achieve Success by Being Unconventional

Open up any consumer behaviour textbook and you’ll see—nothing sells quite like scarcity. Just slap on a limited-edition tag and kick back, relax, and watch those goods as they fly off the shelf. But in the realm of music, scarcity isn’t really an option. With the ...
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